Just now, the house was filled with chattering of the kids who came for tuition. I am always fond of them, albeit them being naughty, talkative, and at times, delaying their work.
But of course, my mom is allergic to those kinds of attitude. So there you go kids, being scolded and nagged at. I know how that feels, haha.
But Afif didn't seem to take heed of mom's nagging. I was the one who was more concerned, hushing him to lower down his voice, and asked the others to concentrate on their workbook.
"Eee.. Afif tak takut pun Aunty marah.."
"Eee.. akak takut!"
"Nape nak takut.. kan kita kena takut Tuhan aje.."
Then Afiq interfered, "Habis tu, ko tak takut Mak ko?"
Afif shook his head, "Tak.."
Well, I suppose this is the egoistical part of kids after being scolded.
"Eehh... kalaupun tak takut Mak atau Aunty, tapi kita kena hormat.. mak ayah, cikgu, semua kita kena hormat. Betul tak..?" I was trying to give my suggestion.
"Betul betul.. Hormat orang tua la Afif.." Afiq seconded my opinion.
Afif sat down again, continuing his work. But not long after that..
"Hmm, akak, tak boleh ke UPSR dapat 4A ke, 3A ke.. memang kena dapat 5A jugak ke..?"
"Well, boleh je.. tapi lepas tak dapat 5A tu, jangan la marah kalau ada kawan-kawan ejek kita sebab tak dapat 5A.. Suka ke nak kena jadi bahan gelak orang..?" Well, expect a kiasu answer from a kiasu practitioner, haha.
"Tak nak.. tapi mak asyik cakap kena dapat 5A.. 4A pun ok apa.."
"Ok tu memang ok.. tapi kenapa kita target nak hadiahkan something yang tak sempurna pada mak ayah kita..? Everytime Afif datang tuisyen mesti pakai baju Manchester United. Baju mahal. Mak ayah bagi apa Afifi suka.. betul tak?" Afif nodded his head. So did Afiq.
"So, kalau Afif bagi something yang tak sempurna pada mak ayah, so can your parents.. do you want them to give something that you don't want..?"
"Apa yang kitaorang tak nak.. akak tahu ke..?" Cewah, Afiq seemed to question my credibility in understanding their wants, haha.
"Hui, senang je, let's say after this, parents korang belikan baju kat pasar malam je.. no more T-shirt Manchester United ke, Ben-10 ke.. ataupun t-shirt football club yang Afif tak suka.. sure tak nak pakai kan..??"
Afif answered straightly, "Uii, mestila tak nak pakai.." Gila demanding budak ni, adeh.
"See.. you want to give something yang tak perfect to your parents, but you want them to get you the best things in life that you want, eee.. mana aci.. Be fair la to your folks, korang~"
Afiq nodded. Afif was still left with a little defiance.
I suppose, kids need the explanation, only then can they really remember and feel what is being taught.. agaknyalah.
Wah! kalau bab parenting ni kenalah tengok cerita PAPADOM~~
Budak-budak yang degil dan keras hati ni, kitorang memang tak dengar nasihat punya.
The only way we learn are
1. by learning from our failure
2. by our own life experience or others.
ayat-ayat cinta nasihat ni kureng effective sikit.
I agree with what u said en. Dayat. Tapi ada satu masalah, sama ada the kids wanna believe what we tell them, or they just take it as a story to push their limits.
Bukanlah Ira maksudkan that getting straight As is the perfect case for students. It's just these words always ring in my head:
Aim for the sky, even if you missed, u'll land on the stars.
I think if kids are constantly being told "it's okay to fail" but we don't tell them to "learn from their failure", it is not such a good advice pun kan?
Sorry anonymous.
Papadom & Pisau Cukur: next on cinema list!
Did I mention I kinda like Maya Karin? Haha.
~cerita Impian Mama Afif~
Lepas balik dari rumah Auntie Zahira, Afif pun tanyalah mak dia apsal kena dapat 5A. Mak dia pun bagilah ceramah sikit.
Lepas tu Afif pun tanya mak dia dengan selamba, Mak dulu UPSR dapat berapa?
Jawapan mak Afif ialah:
a) Mak dapat straight A's la.
b) Errr....
untuk mengundi sila taip A atau B dan hantar kepada kami.
Saksikan episod seterusnya esok.
My answer (without prejudice) is B :D
saya jawab A
mummy yang hantar anak pergi tuition dan expect anak dia untuk score, pun biasanya kiasu....
wah, sgt bagus kak zufina. betul jugak tu kan..
Hi Lady Gaga.. oppss Lady RoRa
Hmm.. Afif sekarang umur 12 THN... Kalau dia anak sulung mama dia mesti dalam lingkungan umur 35-38THN kan. Masa tu orang belum peduli sangat nak dapat A dalam darjah 6.
Afif jenis pandai semulajadi atau kena push belajar baru boleh faham. Kalau Afif jenis kedua, mesti salah seorang mama atau papa dia tak berapa pandai dalam pelajaran. Atau kedua-duanya tak pandai.
So Ira kena buat ground work sikit.
Nanti buat laporan ya.
Gurau ya Ira :D
Haha.. well, i do take that seriously En. Dayat. Analysing humans is a fascinating thing to do.
Afif is 8 years old. So is Afiq.
I suppose Afif is a kind of boy who likes to question, and is a little bit critical if he thinks the answer is not up to his expectation.
He's a clever kid. Already bored doing Std 2 maths, my mom has to buy him Std 3 workbooks.
8 tahun~ darjah 2.
Dah start buku darjah 3. Budak pandai.
Itu pun Mak dia hantar tuisyen?
Enough said...
Balik tengok kartun lagi baik la Afif.
the best thing, he's pandai & comel :D
i'll be bored if he's not around man~ haha.
Lady RoRa. You have a large red kitchen UP THERE.
Of cos, haha. Impian lepas kawen!
Bagus~ rajin masak takpe
(psstt~ jangan rajin makan)
Ira, apa yang hubby you paaaaliinnng suka you masak?
(chewahhh... macam soalan kuiz pulak~)
ntah.. belum ada hubby, mana nak tahu, haha.
pandai jawab...
Well Ira, I pulak paling tak suka kalau wife I masak.
Because cooking implies time and energy.
Too much obligations will make anyone become stressful.
time , energy, money
preparation, post makan like washing up...too much hassle
but sometimes u just have the URGE to cook
and he has to bear with my atrociaous cooking
very gud for Kak Zufina la then, tak yah kena suruh masak, haha.
tp siyes, u guys are complicated man~
Relationship status >
(it's complicated) TM
Complicated Ira rasa yang mana?
Hmm, ini just opinion okay.
You guys have many rules taw~ don't u think u r cluttering your mind?
Bukan rule la.
It is just more like a Manual.
When you have so many things happen in life, I need to have a something like life manual.
So we can act without thinking at all.
Boleh ke?
Ohh.. boleh eh gitu..?
I suppose it's like a life manual that needs to be internalized (petronas suka perkataan ni, haha!)
cool en. dayat. i'm trying to figure how life after wedding will be. for now, approaching marriage seems like a stressful period.
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