
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Raya + filem Melayu = Lemau

Raya ke-4. Macam dah kehabisan idea nak pergi rumah siapa. We only visited Uncle Mansor, mom's varsity junior, also one of her good friends. I am waiting for Zuhairy and Uncle Shah's open house on Saturday. Gathering lagi!

Today, we had the entire day to waste. Thinking of helping my dad to mow the lawn, it was too hot I couldn't stand it, so sorry Abah. So the last resort was the TV, and since TV stations were playing so many movies, I thought that I should watch a few movies. And so, I watched 'Anak Halal' and 'I'm Not Single'. I only watched the latter halfway through. Boleh tak kitaorang bersorak gembira masa Fasha terjun bangunan dalam Anak Halal? Sibuk je nak potong jalan Maya Karin, cewah.

Two main summaries I made:
1) Mesti ramai guys jealous dengan Farid Kamil. Mungkin dia good-looking (and he knows how to capitalize on that for sure), and most importantly, he has hugged Fasha Sandha, Maya Karin, Raja Farah and Lisa Sughihani (betulkan pronunciation 'R' tu Lisa, isk..) Rezeki dia la kut.
2) Fasha Sandha pun tidak keberatan untuk peluk semua actors. Dalam Anak Halal tu macam semua je dia peluk. Sigh. Malu la tengok.

In general, watching Malay movies kat TV pun boleh rasa nak cekik diri sendiri kerana telah membuang masa dan juga mensia-siakan neuron otak yang rosak kerana TV. If they give away free tickets to watch pun, I don't think I wanna go.

I think there are a few issues before the film makers and producers can really come up with a good movie to sell:
1) Not enough budget
2) Not enough technology
3) Time constraint
4) Apprehensive to explore beyond normal societal stories
5) More interested to 'sell' current issues like mat rempit and bohsia
6) The mindset that Malays like to watch comedy stories aka movies with 'light & easy' storyline
7) Scared of criticism
8) Lack of true talents (janji kena cantik @ sexy)
9) Cronism inside the movie industry

Watching P Ramlee's movies jugak yang best. No need million-dollar budget. Though I have watched some of his films tens of times (and some of the dialogues I can memorize) but I am never tired to watch them again. Am pretty sure many Malaysians are alike in that sense.

Suatu hari lebih kurang 3 bulan lepas:

Lisa: You dah tengok 'Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak?'
Me: Err.. not yet..
Lisa: Eyy pergila tengok.. best tau cerita dia.. kelakar.
Me: Kelakar ke..? Bukan ke cerita hantu? I can't really watch horror movies aa Lisa (cewah, nak ngelak je ni) then Senario summore.. tak minat la..
Lisa: Eyy tak2.. cite dia best, nanti tengok tau.
Me: Haha, ye ke.. okay2, nanti I tengok :)

Yeah right. Show kat TV pun tak tengok.


[YeOp] said...

tgk la filem2 kabir bhatia. ok per. hehehe~

Ainul Hafiz said...

film kabir bhatia, arwah yasmin, afldin shaukhi, tu je kot yg terlintas bijak sket buat filem. lebih kepada idea kot, bukan la budget sgt. hari raye ke berapa ntah tertengok sepintas lalu kl drift, syamsul dyh pun film ntahapehape.

p/s: nak ke farid kamil peluk? i would rather not kalo jadi pompuan. takdela ensem pun. ensem ka?

siti zufina said...

somehow, i suka yasmin ahmad's movie, some of it. dont like gubra, but i think sepet and mukhsin are watchable and so sweet.

kabir bhatia punya movie- too slow for me. i took 3 sittings to finish watching vcd 'cinta' - asyik tertidur aje.

yesterday watched anak halal, tergerak nak tangok lepas baca ur entry.hmm. kesimpulannya, at the end marilah masuk penjara ramai-ramai. surprisingly, that was the first movie i watched this raya season.

afdlin shauki's baik punya cilok pun kelakar. sakit perut i tengok. tapi sumolah , a bit boring.

ladyrora said...

setuju ngan kak Zufina, Gubra mcm htah, xperkenan di mata beta. Yasmin ok la.. but her genre evolves mostly on societal issues kan.. cina-malay-india..

kabir bhatia.. yep, slow. sakit kepala tgk cerita slow dan berair mata selalu ni.. walaupun yeah, mmg berkesan pd emosi.

anak halal: kacau. kita tgk pun rs jiwa kacau. Tp tu lah, tu la movie 1st yg ira pun tgk jugak! the end dia rs mcm nak baling batu kat panggung je.. ntah apa2.

afdlin shauki: yg boring ialah sumolah n cuci. maybe sb da nyampah ngan AC kut.

P/S: Tak pernah teringin nak kena peluk ngan Farid Kamil pun Enol.. not my type, haha. Tp yeah, he's not bad looking.

Ainul Hafiz said...

cuci is Hans's film. bukan Afldin :)

Los n Faun superb aperrr!!!!

ladyrora said...

tak kisah la.. janji dia pun ada dlm tu.. huhu.

dialicious said...

Film Msia ni mmg x berkembang sgt.Kalo dah buat film Sembilu,tgk2 hit teruskan Sembilu 2..cite sama jer tp janji profit!Cam arwah Yasmin mmg bagus..cite Sepet..tapi pastu hit buat Gubra lak,pastu cite yg Mualaf ke ape tu..lebih kurang mcm Sepet 1,Sepet 2,Sepet 3 la gitu.Storyline&pelakon maintain.Cuba kalo ade 1 pengarah jer yg buat Sembilu,Sepet,Cuci,KL Menjerit,Pontianak&cicakman..xperlu ade part 1&part 2.Mesti x bosan sgt kot..